City of Springfield, MO Mask Ordinance
Mandating the public to wear masks is a violation of civil rights and a blatant overreach of the city government. My client has a right to choose to wear a mask – whether it’s outside, in her place of business, or at church. The very grounds used by the mayor and city council to pass this ordinance are absurd. The chances of dying from violent crime in our city are higher than the chance of dying from Covid-19. A strain on a county department is not a reason to declare a state of emergency. Our law enforcement officers have more important things to focus their attention on and the residents and visitors of Springfield deserve the right to choose.
Ozarks Independent
Ozarks Independent — Springfield Responds
Springfield Public Schools Re-Entry Plan
The complaint requests that Springfield Public Schools allow families the choice to attend school in person five days a week based on the grounds that the current plan violates the Plaintiff’s’ constitutionally and federally protected rights, including Article 1, Sections 1-3 and 10 of the Missouri
Constitution, the 14th amendment of the Constitution of the United States, Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.
The Springfield Public Schools re-entry plan is incredibly harmful to many students, but especially to students with unique disabilities and circumstances.Many of these students are unable to participate in online learning and will regress. SPS has not provided equal access to education for these students. In addition, the plan creates unnecessary economic hardship on families who have to quit jobs in order to homeschool their children or attempt to hire professionals who are trained to work with unique abilities.
City of Branson Mask Ordinance

The mask ordinance not only infringes on the right to privacy of all individuals who live in and visit Branson but is detrimental to businesses in the area.
In May, local officials estimated tourism dollars to decrease by half just from the pandemic. The mask ordinance is increasing that downward trend. Tourism is vital to this area and the mask ordinance is directly affecting the bottom line of my clients’ businesses and hindering their livelihood.
The Lake of the Ozarks–which doesn’t have a mask ordinance–has seen tourism double as hundreds flock to the area for mask-free vacations. We would like to see families return to Branson and restore it as a thriving vacation hot spot.
The death rate from COVID in Taney County is 0.0054%. You are literally more likely to be struck by lightning than dying from Covid-19. If the mask ordinance stays in effect, businesses will close, homes will be lost and families will go hungry.
Ozarks Independent
Springfield News-Leader
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Sedalia Democrat
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